A community initiative to restore the Gain Wah restaurant as a legacy Chinatown business and affordable cultural food asset

Cooking at Gain Wah

Get involved

Share your feedback

We are seeking community input to better understand the impact and loss caused by the fire at Gain Wah, and to imagine possibilities for its restoration. As a first step, we have created a short survey that can be completed in as little as 5 minutes. 

  • Did you know Gain Wah? 
  • Do you have a memory or favourite dish you’d like to share? 
  • Do you want to see Gain Wah reopen?
  • Do you want to stay informed about this project or get involved with the project? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we encourage you to complete the survey. 

All survey questions are optional, and we invite you to share as little or as much information as you are comfortable with. Your responses will remain anonymous.


Donations can be made by E-transfer to: dtes.sro.collab@gmail.com with the memo: “Gain Wah Project”

Thank you to our partners and supporters

DTES SRO Collaborative
Kam Wai Dim Sum
Heritage Vancouver


New Life Block Party in Chinatown

General project inquiries

Media contacts
Julia Wong, julia@srocollaborative.org
Stephanie Leo, stephanienancyleo@gmail.com

Photos by Joshua Berson